Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A New Recipe


1 cup of Moxy.
2 cups of blind faith.
3 pinches of idiot friends.
2 egg you on.
1 dash of pure adrenaline.
½ ounce of belief in your physical prowess.
1 father, brother, sister telling you not to come home crying
or they’ll give you something to cry about.
1 large bully, preferably ripe.

Begin by ripening a bully for several days. Mix in your moxy, and your friends to egg you on. Fold in, slowly, adrenanline, and the belief in your physical prowess. Add in your father telling you not to come home crying again.

Once all ingredients have been completely mixed in, you need to slow boil the combination for one week, a little less if it is the dog days of August. You will know it is done, by the steam being let off.

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